The incident that changed everything

The day my par­ents first saw me, they were very ex­cited. I was their first child and their last one as I found out later. My own life be­gins with me in a dark cham­ber, be­ing sur­roun­ded by plenty of de­li­cious food and no one around to bother me. For a long time, all I did was eat and sleep. My life was a dream, some would say. Read on …

To Flutter Through Adventures

There were many cater­pil­lars in that tree, and each of them had its own leaf. Some of them were eat­ing, bit­ing and scrunch­ing pieces of leaves un­til they had to move to an­other one. Oth­ers rolled their leaf as if it was time for a good nap to be taken after a well-de­served meal. It seemed that noth­ing could have dis­turbed them from that job, ex­cept a… Read on …