Freedom or Chained Beauty…?

She no­ticed a move­ment in the can­opy and she could hear all sorts of beau­ti­ful and in­triguing sounds from in­side the forest. She took a step in­side and a ma­gical place opened up: thou­sands of flowers in all the col­ours of the rain­bow, spark­ling in­sects with shiny wings and all sorts of amaz­ing an­im­als she had never seen be­fore ap­peared. Lyria stood there trans­fixed for like an etern­ity: a beau­ti­ful girl in Para­dise. Read on …


I have been listen­ing to stor­ies about my tribe. I can still hear the eagle cry over the battle, I can still see the bloody wa­ter of the lake and the tear­ful sunset.

I have heard of a medi­cine wo­man who had been liv­ing in the Ar­buckles moun­tains since the be­gin­ning of time. I was told she had 

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The incident that changed everything

The day my par­ents first saw me, they were very ex­cited. I was their first child and their last one as I found out later. My own life be­gins with me in a dark cham­ber, be­ing sur­roun­ded by plenty of de­li­cious food and no one around to bother me. For a long time, all I did was eat and sleep. My life was a dream, some would say. Read on …