
OK, maybe these are not ed­it­or­i­als in the tra­di­tional sense. Let’s say they are sup­port es­says that at­tempt to define –how­ever play­fully or cre­at­ively– the zone of the ima­gin­ary that we are in­vest­ig­at­ing, con­nect­ing the bread­crumbs and sug­gest­ing a pathway…

Once Upon a Thyme

Don’t let the title mis­lead you, the present art­icle is not ded­ic­ated to how Sleep­ing Beauty dis­covered that lav­ender helped her sleep, nor is it en­tirely ded­ic­ated to thyme as a herb and its prop­er­ties, but it tracks down the pres­ence of vari­ous herbs show­ing how they crept up in lit­er­at­ure… Read on …