Who Are We?

We are a group of people in­ter­ested in children’s books and YA lit­er­at­ure. Most of us are (or have been) MA stu­dents in what we call Kid­Lit at the North Uni­ver­sity Centre of Baia Mare, Romania. 

For the in­aug­ural is­sue, our roles have been loosely dis­trib­uted as follows:

Selena Ac­qui — ed­itor. Also in­volved in the site’s graphic design.

Elena Pet­ro­van — editor(ialist)

Lu­ana Marian — ed­itor; plans to hold the Me­dia section.

Mari­ana Oros — ed­itor and layout.

The Inglen­ook Pooka — form­ally iden­ti­fied as Ad­rian Otoiu, site ad­min, code cruncher, pho­to­grapher and graphic design.

Every­one else is a wel­come con­trib­utor with plans of get­ting even more in­volved in the mak­ing of the magazine.

Introducing ourselves

Selena Acqui

-What are your strengths?


-What are your weaknesses?


-Please list 3 of your passions. 

-Po­etry, Prose and Plays. 

 — .….

-I also like read­ing in nature. 

Elena Petrovan

My daily job is that of Eng­lish and Ro­manian teacher but my true pas­sion is read­ing. I love lit­er­at­ure, psy­cho­logy and sym­bol­ism. I am on a quest to find the mean­ing of life. 

Luana Măguț

I am an Eng­lish teacher with a pas­sion for trav­el­ling, pho­to­graphy, films and lit­er­at­ure. I be­lieve that read­ing and writ­ing are two of the most power­ful and pro­found ways of self improvement. 

Dania Cuibuș

My name is Dania Ber­inde and I am a vo­ra­cious reader, the typ­ical book­worm who en­joys the jour­ney of read­ing a book and fears the end of it. I ap­pre­ci­ate a good book and have no prob­lem re­read­ing it.

Iuliana Todorean

Hello, my name is Iuli­ana To­dorean! I’m 22 years old and I am an MA stu­dent. Since I be­came a stu­dent I have dis­covered my pas­sion for writ­ing. Un­til then, read­ing, singing, dan­cing and play­ing sports were my only and fa­vor­ite hob­bies. My prin­ciple in life is that it’s never too late to dis­cover yourself! 

Ana-Maria Stan

I’ve al­ways en­joyed trav­el­ling to the worlds of the books I’ve read. When read­ing a book, I re­dis­cover life in dif­fer­ent ways and I find a bet­ter me. Laugh­ing, cry­ing, be­ing one with the main char­ac­ter and his di­lem­mas, these are the places where I wish to lose my­self in. 

Mariana Oros

Hello! My name is Mari­ana Oros and I am an MA stu­dent at Kid­Lit. Since I star­ted study­ing lit­er­at­ure, read­ing has be­come my fa­vour­ite pas­sion – a pas­sion that has roots in my child­hood as I grew up with fairy tales. So, my ad­vice for my fel­lows (and for my­self) is this: find a ma­gical place and write your own fairy tale.

Corina Diana Ciocotișan

My name is Di­ana Cioco­t­isan and I am an MA stu­dent in Kid­Lit. I like read­ing a lot, be­cause through books, I get the chance to live a mul­ti­tude of lives and do so many amaz­ing things, while stay­ing com­fort­able in a chair. 

Octavian Ciprian Major

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