Life after the rebellion

Rats crept through every nook and cranny and in­fes­ted every­one. Bugs, big and small car­ried deadly dis­eases faster than our claws and teeth shred them. Birds flew right into the en­gines of planes and brought them down within minutes. Bees at­tacked the heavy tanks and once the men came out, dogs, wolves and other an­im­als jumped on them. Read on …

“Zootopia” – A family movie that has so much more to offer

One reason why this an­im­ated movie was so well re­ceived by the crit­ics and the gen­eral pub­lic is that it has a little for every­one: chil­dren just love the dreamy and ideal­istic little rab­bit Judy Hopps, in com­bin­a­tion with the slick and cun­ning fox, Nick Wilde. As for the grown-ups… Read on …

Once Upon a Thyme

Don’t let the title mis­lead you, the present art­icle is not ded­ic­ated to how Sleep­ing Beauty dis­covered that lav­ender helped her sleep, nor is it en­tirely ded­ic­ated to thyme as a herb and its prop­er­ties, but it tracks down the pres­ence of vari­ous herbs show­ing how they crept up in lit­er­at­ure… Read on …